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ho ricevuto seguente messaggio riguardo il ballo di ieri sera. Vi ringrazio per la buonissima collaborazione e sarò felice di ri-contattarvi per future richieste.
Grazie di nuovo e cordiali saluti. Giovanni

By the way the Spice group had a great time last night very very
impressed and we definitely want to do again!

Thanks for all your help.

Graeme E***
Managing Director
The Holiday Company Ltd t/a Flight Bound


*We just wanted to express how much we and our friends enjoyed ourselves at the ball. we just want to thank you  for helping us organise our wedding
anniversary which was truly enjoyable. thank you again, betty c***

*I am writing to thank you and your staff for a wonderful visit to your palace, the Ball and, of course Venice itself. It was only our second visit to Venice and we were excited to experience Carnival. With the help of your staff in arranging costumes, tickets and of course accommodation made our trip even more enjoyable. The Palace as well was delightful as it captured the splendour of Venice and provided a peaceful resting place after the hustle and bustle of Carnival.

Please pass on our thanks to your staff and we look forward to a future visit to the Palace.

Best wishes for your continued success,

Margaret & Dave H***


Nous gardons un excellent souvenir de la soirée passée dans votre palais. Nous vous remercions pour cette trés belle organisation.

Voici deux photos qui vous rappelleront cette soirée de Mardi Gras.

Avec nos remerciements

Cordialement Alain P***

*Vous ai je dit le plaisir de tous nos amis a votre soirée qui a ravi la vedette à
notre concert de vendredi à la Fenice, premier objet pourtant de notre voyage.
Les photographies circulent entre les uns et les autres dans le cyberespace
prolongeant l'enchantement. Merci.
Depuis vous avez dû  encore plusieurs fois gâter d'autres invités j'imagine et
voir grandir la compagnie de vos "supporters".

Dans cette attente et vous assurant de notre meilleur souvenir.......

M.José B***-F***/Amis de la Villa Medicis


*Dear friends,
This letter is toooo long in coming. I want to thank
you for the most wonderful ball at this year's
carnevale, "Extravagante Venice" !  My sister,
brother-in-law and myself had a magnificent time
between the lovely classical artistes and lively
modern dancing. The food was delicious and the wines
just perfect for the banquet.  I will never forget the
enchanting evening and the interesting friends we made

I hope everything is well with you, your husband and
lovely assistants.  They were such a delight ! I hope
to contact you again whenever I return to Venice.  I
want to atten whatever you are celebrating with such
gusto and finesse.

Ciao, bela.

Yvonne M***
Hollywood, Florida